Meet Your Instructor

Jody Tompros

In 2007, I found intuitive art as a great source of comfort and creative expression during a difficult time. My mom had died from lung cancer and I was struggling to parent my son who has been diagnosed with autism.

Painting intuitively saved my life in many ways. I started taking classes with a local artist, Judith Forst. Painting allowed me to express the inexpressible. I found so much peace when painting. Very quickly, I became passionate about the process of painting intuitively. I wanted everyone to know how to paint from their soul so they could experience peace and release whatever is holding you back.  So that's what I did!
""You can't use up creativity.  The more you have.  The more you have."  -- Maya Angelou​"
Don't hesitate

Try this amazing Mindfulness Painting class to see what your inner voice has to say!

MEDITATION with a paint brush

Learn to Paint Mindfully: Give Your Intuition a Voice & Explore Your Creativity

Do you need a "real world" activity that let's you become present and release tension?  Mindfulness Painting is about being present, trusting your intuition, and painting.  This process of painting allows you to connect to yourself, your emotions and body sensations. Make time to explore your creative muscles, and delight in what shows up.
Find what your inner voice has to say.

 *** Act Soon!  Half Off Ends January 31st ***

Why choose this course?

By enrolling in this course, you will learn a wonderful new way to relax, tap into your creativity and calm your soul.  I will teach you how to set up your studio, the 7 principles of Mindfulness Painting and then I will guide you through 4 classes, each with it's own meditations and discussions.

Develop Mindfulness Skills

I will teach you the fundamentals of breathing and walk you through meditation and guided imagery exercises, which will help you focus on the present moment.

Enjoy a New Way to De-stress

How often do you get to experiment in a hands on activity, with no care of what you produce?  Mindfulness Painting teaches you to just enjoy the process.  You will be amazed at how stress melts away when you only need to focus on the next best color or stroke.

Boost Your Creativity

By taking the course, you will have the opportunity to explore you creativity and develop your own unique style.  You don't know what little gems are waiting to find their light.

See what our students have to say!

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Life-changing course!

Mindfulness Painting is everything fantastic in this world!  Jody is a gem and being able to touch luscious color with no care of the results is like being a kid again!  I felt so relaxed and stress free after each of my classes!
Debbie B
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Highly recommended

"Throughout the process, you may laugh or even cry a little bit, but in the best, cathartic way. It was a very special time that I will never forget."
Write your awesome label here.

Great investment

Mindfulness Painting is such a unique therapeutic experience. Jody is lovely and she sets the stage at the beginning of each session by providing guidance for painting followed by a moment of guided mindful meditation. With a clear head and heart you start painting by selecting the color you are drawn to. No big rules, no experience necessary, just a beautiful and safe space to create something from your heart.
Write your awesome label here.

Our Intuition Had a Voice!

The experience was exactly as she described, like meditation with a paintbrush. Jody’s naturally calming and inviting approach enabled us to easily put aside anything we brought with us and enter a state of mindfulness. The participants (in the class I hosted) shared that through their paintings, they were able to recognize their inner intuition and what it was trying to tell them, reminding us that the answers aren’t always in our heads. 
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